deKay's Lofi Gaming

Sonic CD (Switch): COMPLETED!

And onto the next! Sonic CD was always the black sheep of the 16-bit Sonic games, what with changing the gameplay and returning to a graphics style more like Sonic 1 even though it came out after Sonic 2 (in the UK at least). Levels don’t feel as well organised as the other games, with scenery overlapping and areas messy with seemingly random item positioning – partly due to being able to travel into the past and future and so …

Car Quest (Switch): COMPLETED!

My first impressions of Car Quest were, it has to be said, less than favourable. It had, as I mentioned on Twitter after my first hour’s play, a definite air of “My First Unity” game about it, not least because of the sparse, blocky environment that just screams “I can’t draw but I can sellotape geometric shapes together”. You, a car, don’t fit within this style either thematically or graphically, and it feels like a placeholder that was never replaced …

Grow Home (PS4): COMPLETED!

So many people were excited for this game, and voted it way ahead of two other potential PS+ titles this month as a result, but the majority of views of people after they’ve actually played it seem negative. Apparently, it’s “ruined” by screen tearing. It’s boring. The controls (specifically the climbing) are terrible, and so on. I’d like to suggest, that those people are idiots. Yes, there is screen tearing. But I only noticed it when it was pointed out …

Top 10 Mega Drive Games

Of every games console or computer I’ve ever owned, the Sega Mega Drive is probably my favourite. It was my first console, and the one I own most games for. It also saw me through most of university, despite the N64, Saturn and PS1 all having just come out – I obviously didn’t have any money to buy them. It wasn’t until the end of 1999 that I bought something newer, meaning I’d had a full 8 years of Megadriving. …

Prizes for me!

I won a competition today! I’m most impressed, as I never, ever, win anything. At all. Ever. I had to come up with family friendly versions of “mature rated” games. In the end, I think I won through swamping them with entries. Anyway, my prizes? Not so amazing, unfortunately. I won copies of Xbox Live Arcade lemons Yahtzee, Connect 4 and Battleship. They’re not awful, but they’re not exactly the sort of thing I’d normally be after. Not least because …

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (Demo) (360)

As well as skate., which I’ve posted about already, I had a go at a few other demo games that were made available on the 360 this week. Street Trace: NYCIt’s like some evil cross between the awful Dreamcast game TrickStyle and the awful Playstation 2 game Twisted Metal. And isn’t nearly as good as either of them. You have a hoverboard, and some weapons, and it’s futuristic. And it’s a deathmatch game. Rubbish. Space GiraffeJeff Minter promised us he …

Contact (DS)

Off I went to Ft. Eagle, where there was some sort of military base and loads of soldiers. And some Metal Gear references, not least with the killing of a snake. And there’s a great bit where you overhear some pilots saying they spent the budget on a new runway and they don’t have any money left for planes, so they practise by running round pretending to be planes! Killed lots of evil sheep, some snakes, some slime things, loads …