deKay's Lofi Gaming

Syberia 2 (Switch): COMPLETED!

Having finished the first game I went right on and started the second, which was just as well as the first one just ended without a proper final conclusion. The sequel is, as I’d expected, more of the same. Slightly better animation, larger areas, and much more snow, but still Kate Walker being called by her full name while she tries to get her train even further north. The puzzles were mostly on par with the original, although one right …

Batman: The Telltale Series (Switch): COMPLETED!

Warning: this post contains spoilers. I don’t often write with spoilers but some of the things I wanted to mention are very spoilers and so I don’t really have much choice. But firstly, I just want to say that I have this game on the PS4 as part of PS+, but I bought it on the Switch anyway because who plays PS4 games in 2020? So it’s yet another Batman game. This one exists in its own, somewhat different DC …

Super Mario Odyssey (Switch): COMPLETED!

This is a hard one. Well, not hard in that way (the game is easy – very easy), but hard in how I feel about it. Unlike pretty much every Mario game ever, Super Mario Odyssey didn’t instantly grab me. Perhaps it was the terrible looking first “world”. Maybe it was the stark art style changes between worlds. I don’t know. Definitely, I started enjoying it in my first hour – but other games in the series I was hooked …

Batman: Arkham Knight: Harley Quinn Story Pack (PS4): COMPLETED!

That’s a mouthful, innit? In fact, it almost takes longer to say the title of this post than it does to complete this story DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight. You play as Harley Quinn, who is ordered by The Penguin to infiltrate Blüdhaven Police Department and rescue Poison Ivy. Why, isn’t clear: Penguin says it’s what Scarecrow wants. Since Ivy is instrumental in taking down Scarecrow in the main story (oh, spoilers, sorry) this doesn’t really make sense. Whatever. Harley …

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4): COMPLETED!

Just a few hours into Batman: Arkham Knight, you’re tasked with taking the Batmobile up onto a roof and effectively making it jump from roof to roof to reach an electrical panel or something. It’s utterly ridiculous, and is not what you’d expect the Batmobile, what with it being a car and everything, is for. This did not bode well for the rest of the game. Thankfully for all concerned, that was it. Sure, there were a few car-based acrobatics …

Things I’ve been playing recently (Part 2 – PS+ Stuff)

Lots of PS+ stuff has been building up over the last few weeks. I’ve played most of them (except the PS4 games, obviously), so here are some thoughts. Race the Sun (Vita) It’s a bit dull, really. It’s sort of like Deathchase but with upgrades and nothing to shoot. I’ve played it for an hour or so but it’s not grabbing me. Tower of Guns (PS3) A nonsensical FPS where you progress through randomly generated levels containing lots, and lots …

Batman: Arkham Origins (Wii U)

Despite not “digging” the Arkham Asylum demo all those years ago, I got thoroughly hooked on the full game. This surprised me, as I’m normally not a fan of stealth action games, but you don’t have to play 100% stealth with Batman and even when you do, the hiding is varied and fun, rather than rigid and frustrating. I played Arkham City and enjoyed that as well, although it wasn’t as good as the first game. The interior sections were …

Embrace the Meltdown

Note: this is a sponsored post Really Chocolatey Thick Shakes. Embrace the Meltdown. Put your skills to the test and rescue our penguins from the chocolate meltdown at Penguin Meltdown is the ultimate test of staying calm under pressure. Show off your skills, challenge your friends and play to secure the top spot on the mother of all leaderboards. Penguin Meltdown is a race against time. Navigate the GALAXY, MILKY WAY and MARS penguins to safety across the Thick …

Gameking – Unleash the Games!

<< Previous (The Gameking) Gameking Games Readers without short-term memory problems will recall that I bought 13 games to go with my Gameking. Each and every one is special in its own special way. Special as in “special needs”, naturally. Firstly, a few points about Gameking games. The cartridges are strikingly familiar to anyone who has ever played on a Game Boy, since they’re exactly the same as Game Boy cartridges. Almost, anyway – instead of “Game Boy” they say …

Lego Batman (360)

100% completed! Hurrah! This week I’ve been pecking at the remaining minikits, which for some reason were mostly on the Penguin levels – both hero and villain. The last minikit I got was by far the most difficult in the game. Harder than the whole of the rest of the game put together (erm, even though the rest of the game was very, very easy…). You have to slide down an icy slope, through 5 gates. Only you can’t jump, …