deKay's Lofi Gaming


Yes, I know I’ve completed it. Someone emailed me asking how to defeat the end of game boss, and, since I couldn’t exactly remember, I had a go at it again. The game is certainly a lot easier than when I played it previously, for some reason! Anyway, you blow up the goop, eat the shadow Pac-men, fire arrows at the white thing, repeat all that three times, then draw Pac-Man after Pac-Man, quickly, to eat the black thing that …


Oh ho – what hilarious punnage. Yes, anyway – I had a few goes today, managing to storm through the actual level (Chapter 12) I was stuck on and making it to the boss. Who was hard. Not hard as in, bloody difficult, but hard as in “I know what I need to do and it seems to hurt him but even though I keep doing it he doesn’t die and whoops I’ve run out of time Game Over”. Finally, …


Chapter 12… is a bit hard. Well, 12-1 to 12-4 are easy enough, but 12-5 is difficult. There are so many switches you have to keep active, things to shoot, things to bomb and it gets pretty cluttered leaving you without much room to actually draw things. I had one ghosty left, and ran out of time. On my second go, I ran out of Pac Men (mans?) due to so many of them getting jammed between explodey ghosties, which …


Chapter 11 completed now. Struggled a little on the last round, with it’s clutteredness – there was nowhere to actually draw stuff. Managed it in the end though. Now, Chapter 12… which seems to be the last level in “Book I”.


Chapter 10 defeaterat0rized! I just can’t do arrows in any direction other than up. My brain can’t rotate the shape you need to draw, so I have to rotate the DS instead – not ideal in the heat of the game. Anyway, this chapter is bombtastic, and you have to kill the boss at the end by use of the bombs too. And he is dead. And eaten.


I still don’t seem to be able to draw arrows in any direction other than up. Luckily, you rarely need to (except perhaps at a slight angle), and on those few occasions when I have needed to, I’ve quickly rotated the DS. You might think of that as cheating. You might be right. Anyway, Chapters 7, 8 and 9 were all felled. There was a boss at the end of one of them, which involved bouncing arrows off mirrors to …


After Chapter 5 being pretty difficult, Chapter 6 was very easy. At the end was a boss, whom you had to kill by firing arrows at his feathers or clouds or whatever surrounding him, without hitting him. Accidently hitting him and not his coating causes him to drop ink on the bit you draw on, stopping you from drawing in that area. Onto Chapter 7 now then.


There is actually a bit more to this game than just drawing Pac-Man, it seems. After completing the first four chapters, I can now draw multi-use arrows – they burst bubbles, hit switches, and stun ghosts. I’ve also killed two”bosses” as well – one which required me to draw larger and larger Pac-Mans (Men?) to eat it, and another one that involved eating his eyes. Obviously. I had a poke (literally) around the extra bits, and ended up in the …


Just a quick go of this to see what it’s like. It’s like, er, Pac-Man, only not. It seems fun, if a little repetitive so far. Completed the first chapter and turned it off for now.

Completed 2005

Pikmin 2(GC 12/01/2005) Zoo Keeper(DS 29/01/2005) Paper Mario 2(GC 30/01/2005) Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude(Xbox 07/02/2005) Sonic Adventure DX(GC 09/02/2005) Fable(Xbox 17/02/2005) Mr Driller: Drill Spirits(DS 17/02/2005) Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap(GBA 21/02/2005) Ribbit King(GC 27/02/2005) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas(PS2 06/03/2005) Gitaroo Man(PS2 12/03/2005) Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon(Xbox 19/03/2005) Yoshi Touch & Go(DS 27/03/2005) Mario Golf: Advance Tour(GBA 28/03/2005) Metroid Fusion(GBA 08/04/2005) Bubble Bobble: Old & New(GBA 15/04/2005) Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars(GBA 18/04/2005) …